Books by Hamid Ismaïlov (4)


Dans les eaux du lac interdit by Hamid Ismaïlov FR

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Uzbekistan flag Uzbekistan
Un voyageur anonyme a pris place à bord d’un train pour un interminable voyage à travers les steppes kazakhes. Le train s’arrête dans une toute petite gare et un garçon monte à bord pour vendre des boulettes de lait caillé. Il joue Brahms au violon de manière prodigieuse, sortant les passagers de leur torpeur. Le voyageur découvre que celui qu’il avait pris pour un enfant est en fait un homme de vingt-sept ans. L’histoire de Yerzhan peut alors commencer... À travers ce conte envoûtant, l’auteur nous livre une parabole glaçante sur la folie destructrice des hommes et la résistance acharnée d’un... continue


Gaia, Queen of Ants by Hamid Ismailov EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / Uzbekistan flag Uzbekistan
From Uzbek author-in-exile Hamid Ismailov comes a dark new parable of power, corruption, fraud, and deception. Ismailov narrates an intimate clash of civilizations as he follows the lives of three expatriates living in England. Domrul is a young Turk with vague and painful memories of ethnic strife in the Uzbekistan of his childhood. His Irish girlfriend Emer struggles with her own adolescent trauma from growing up in war-torn Bosnia. Domrul is the caretaker for Gaia, the eighty-year-old, powerful wife of a Soviet party boss with a mysterious past. One of Ismailov’s few novels written in Uzbek... continue


La historia del prodigioso Yerzhán / El lago muerto by Hamid Ismailov ES

Rating: 4 (2 votes)
Country: Asia / Uzbekistan flag Uzbekistan
Un hombre atraviesa en ferrocarril la infinita estepa de Kazajistán. En una de las paradas que hace el tren en un remoto apeadero sube a bordo un niño de unos doce años interpretando magistralmente al violín una de las Danzas húngaras de Brahms. Al instante, los pasajeros despiertan de su sopor. Sin embargo, muy pronto el viajero descubre que el pueril violinista es en realidad todo un hombre de veintisiete años.


The Devils' Dance by Hamid Ismailov EN

0 Ratings
Country: Asia / Uzbekistan flag Uzbekistan
Winner of the EBRD Literature Prize 2019 On New Years' Eve 1938, the writer Abdulla Qodiriy is taken from his home by the Soviet secret police and thrown into a Tashkent prison. There, to distract himself from the physical and psychological torment of beatings and mindless interrogations, he attempts to mentally reconstruct the novel he was writing at the time of his arrest - based on the tragic life of the Uzbek poet-queen Oyhon, married to three khans in succession, and living as Abdulla now does, with the threat of execution hanging over her. As he gets to know his cellmates, Abdulla discov... continue